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STS Instruments Ltd

Design - Develop - Deliver

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Siloxane Monitoring

Installed and Portable Monitoring Solutions

The STS Siloxane monitor is designed to output a total siloxane concentration in mg/m3 in gases derived from waste water treatment, food waste digestion and landfills. Understanding the levels of Siloxane in the gas allows operators to manage gas clean up systems such as activated carbon filters and regenerative filter systems.

The monitor provides assurance to those exporting gas to grid that their supply is within the tolerance limit set by the grid network for Siloxane concentration.

The monitor has been designed in house by STS to provide the most cost effective, reliable and convenient monitor available. STS, rather than modifying an existing device,  conceptualised the idea of a monitor designed, built and tested with the sole purpose of detecting and measuring siloxanes. This enabled the design to be both results led and cost effective, resulting in the use of robust but simple design with an emphasis on practicality.

Technical Specification on the set up,

installation & operation of the Siloxane Monitor.

Technical Specification on the set up,

installation & operation of the

Portable Siloxane Monitor.

Case studies from operational fields such as Waste Water, Food Waste & Landfill.

Information and downloadable

  • How can you simulate radioactive contamination?
    a non toxic simulant such as LS1 from Safe Training Systems can be applied to a surface where it will slowly evaporate leaving a small gas cloud, a modified contamination meter can then be used to detect this apparent radiation causing the meter to display counts as if seeing real radiation.
  • What is the range of a radiation simulator?
    Radiation field simulation is based on the use of a radiofrequency source and detector – the limitation to the range is the available power of the transmitter which in the case of the mini-Source range from STS is approx. 15m.
  • Can radiation simulators demonstrate shielding attenuation?
    The radio frequency system used by STS will be attenuated by various materials to varying degrees, glass and thin wood will have a small effect whilst brickwork or concrete walls will cause much higher attenuation and metal will shield the source entirely.
  • Can you simulate inverse square law with a simulator?
    Inverse square law can be demonstrated used the STS radiation field simulation systems – these operate using radio waves which like ionising radiation have an inverse square response.
  • Do radiation simulants have a shelf life?
    Liquid (LS1) and solid (SS4) simulants from STS have a shelf life of 5 years from date of manufacture.

STS Siloxane monitors have been installed in the field for over 8 years with several units having amassed more than

70,000 continuous readings (70,000 hours of operation).

A minimal requirement for service and maintenance and a once annual calibration routine means the ongoing cost of ownership is minimal.









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Our products are all manufactured in the UK.

Contact us for a quote or to find your nearest distributor.

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