Radiation Meters for the Nuclear, Homeland Security, Emergency Services & Medical Sectors

Rotem Industries Ltd specializes in the commercialization of advanced technologies and science in a multi discipline environment. Key fields of activities include Medical Imaging, Solar and other Renewable Energy Applications, Homeland Security & CBRN challenges, Crystals Growth & Processing, Radiation Detection Technologies and many more. The company focuses on state-of-the-art innovations, reaping the technical harvest of scientific research, for the benefit of academy, industrial, defense and commercial communities worldwide.
Rotem Industries
RAM GENE 1 MkII- Combined dose rate & Contamination Meter
Versatile instrument designed for work in extreme conditions, featuring a ruggedized casing & backlight.
A combined dose rate and contamination meter designed to be used with one hand.
Now available with external power plug which can also be used to charge compatible batteries.
Product Specifications
Equipped with a recessed, internal GM pancake detector using a thin mica window protected by a stainless steel screen.
Transition between measuring dose rate radiation & contamination achieved by removing/placing plastic cap.
Technical Information
Detector: 1.75″ Pancake GM tube – LND73118 or equivalent
Count Range: 0 – 42,000 cps
Measuring Range: 0.05 µSv/hr to 7 mSv/hr (5 µR/hr to 700 mR/hr)
Sensitivity: Approximately 5.8 cps/µSv/hr (58 cps/mR/hr) – 137Cs

DRM-3000- Multi Detector Area Monitor
Latest innovative instrument designed to provide best possible user experience in Area Monitoring today.
Automatic identification from a wide range of external detectors up to 100 meters distant to the Monitor.
Product Specifications
Either Wall or Tabletop mounted.
Can be powered directly from any AC source or Powered through POE.
Radiation Data sent from monitor through any wireless medium or Ethernet cable.
Colour Coded background changes according to radiation level.
Technical Information
IP-65, Hardened, High Impact Plastic Casing
Supports 1 internal and 3 external detectors
Large 7” HD Graphic Display with Status icons
Contains a dry contact solenoid to activate external devices
Accepts any 4-20mA input from external devices
Advanced communication: TCP/IP, RS-485, Wi-Fi, Xbee
Setup/Diagnostics via RMVC software
Saves up to 1 years data internally

IC3 Ion Chamber- Autoranging portable Ion Chamber ~ Available from end of 2024
A battery operated, auto ranging, portable ion chamber survey meter designed for highly stable and accurate measurement of dose rates and integrated dose of gamma, x-ray and beta radiation.
Product Specifications
Double layered Mylar cover improving Beta responses & capability to accurately measure low energy radiation.
Ideal use in nuclear medicine & power plants, radiography, life science laboratories, & industrial applications.
Capable of measuring X-Ray bursts from 50 nanosecond pulses; ideal safety tool for X-Ray & NDT applications.
Technical Information
Measuring Range: 1 µSv/h to 1 Sv/h (0.1 mR/h to 100 R/h)
Accuracy: ±10% of reading within measuring range
Sensitivity: From 0.1 mR/h to 250 mR/h: 172 cps/mR/h | From 250 mR/h to 50 R/h: 1.72 cps/mR/h
Gamma Energy Dependence: Better than ±20% at 20 keV to 1.3MeV (related to 137Cs)
Beta Energy Dependence: Better than ±20% from 200 keV
Angular Dependence (Cs-137): Less than ±5% (for ±120 deg. front direction)
Ion Chamber Volume: 500 cc

RAM R-200 Meter- Wide range Gamma & Contamination Meter
A portable, multifunctional, rugged survey meter designed for measuring wide range gamma radiation fields and contamination.
Product Specifications
An internal detector containing 2 energy compensated GM tubes together with optional external probes will detect, measure, & digitally display dose & dose rate levels of gamma radiation from 0.1µSv/h to 100 Sv/h (10µR/h – 10,000 R/h), and alpha/beta contamination from 0 to 1 Mcpm.
The RAM R-200 along with its internal detectors is waterproof to a depth of 1 meter.
Technical Information
Internal Detectors: GM tube *ZP-1202 (ZP-1201) | GM tube *ZP-1314 (ZP-1313)
Measuring range: 0.1 µSv/h – 1 Sv/h (10 µR/h – 100 R/h)
Energy range: 60 keV– 2.0 MeV
Sensitivity: 17 cps/mR/h (ZP1201) | 1.4 cps/mR/h (ZP1313)
Accuracy: ± 10% of reading within the measured range

Technical Information
Material Collapsed Length Extended Length
Aluminium 82 cm (2.7 ft.) 1.76 m (5.7 ft.)
Carbon Fiber (thin) 108 cm (3.5 ft.) 3.61 m (12 ft)
Carbon Fiber (wide) 108 cm (3.5 ft.) 3.69 m (12 ft.)
Aluminium 119 cm (3.9 ft.) 3.35 m (11 ft.)
Aluminium 139 cm (4.6 ft.) 4.12 m (13.5 ft.)
TelePole Meter- Wide range Telescopic Survey Meter
A wide range Telescopic Survey Meter with a dose rate range of between 0.1 uSv/h to 10 Sv/h (0.01 mR/h to 1000 R/h) capable of supporting a wide variety of external detectors.
Product Specifications
Can be used as a stand-alone instrument, or integrated into systems, using existing equipment and software.
Built-in data memory, data downloading, & optional integrated transmitter for remote survey data transmission.
Available with either Aluminum or Carbon Fiber Poles.

AMP-100 Meter- Low range Area Monitor
A GM tube based rate meter.
State-of-the-art microprocessor-based instrument
Designed for highly stable and accurate measurements of dose rate and integrated dose rate gamma radiation.
Product Specifications
High range linear response from 50 µSv/h to 10 Sv/h (5 mR/h to 1,000 R/h).
Ruggedized construction, waterproof detector housing and cable.
Quick-connect connectors allow customization of cable length and facilitate easy de-contamination.
Built-in RS-232 connection for use with Area Monitor or WRM transmitter.
“Smoothed” digital display offers accurate, stable readings with user-selectable internal alarm threshold.
Technical Information
Display: LCD Display showing: Detector failure, Low battery, Overflow, Threshold
Measuring Range: 50 µSv/h to 10 Sv/h (5 mR/h to 1000 R/h)
Accuracy: ±10% of reading within measuring range
Units: mR/h and mR or m Sv/h and m Sv
Sensitivity (137Cs): 0.3 cps/mR/h(137Cs)
Controls: Four key keypad with positive feedback and key combinations for programming operating parameters.
Power Source: One 9-volt cell battery/external 9V power supply, 50 hrs min continuous operation, using an alkaline battery.

RAM Ion Meter- Portable Ion Survey Meter
A battery operated, auto ranging, portable ion chamber survey meter designed for highly stable and accurate measurement of dose rates and integrated dose of gamma, x-ray and beta radiation.
Product Specifications
Now supplied with a USB connector – Power and data transfer capabilities, and features a new double layered Mylar cover to improve Beta responses and capability to accurately measure low energy radiation.
Ideal for use in nuclear power plants, nuclear medicine, radiography and radiotherapy facilities, life science laboratories, nuclear research centres and in other industrial applications.
Measures X-Ray bursts from 5 picosecond pulses making an ideal safety tool for X-Ray and NDT applications.
Technical Information
Measuring Range: 1.00 µSv/h to 500 mSv/h (0.1 mR/h to 50 R/h)
Display Range: 0.1 µSv/h to 500 mSv/h (0.01 mR/h to 50 R/h)
Accuracy: ±10% of reading within measuring range
Sensitivity: From 0.1 mR/h to 250 mR/h: 172 cps/mR/h From 250 mR/h to 50 R/h: 1.72 cps/mR/h
Gamma Energy Dependence: Better than ±20% at 20 keV to 1.3MeV (related to 137Cs)
Beta Energy Dependence: Better than ±20% from 200 keV
Angular Dependence (Cs-137): Less than ±5% (for ±120 deg. front direction)
Ion Chamber Volume: 500 cc
STS can supply the whole range of instruments from Rotem Industries - please call 01189 799591 or send us an enquiry to sales@safetrainingsystems.com to get more information and quotes on the models you require.
